Robotics in Manufacturing

Build a factory that builds factories. Each of these factories must be able to build all our modules independently, i.e, be a decentralised factory.

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Jana Lakshman

March 24, 2023
min read

Long term vision

For manufacturing

Build a factory that builds factories. Each of these factories must be able to build all our modules independently, i.e, be a decentralised factory.

For onsite deployment.

Help product team build a product that automatically deploys in 4 hours.


Robotics according to BCG can be divided into 4 categories,

  1. conventional industrial robots and cobots (A cobot, or collaborative robot, is a robot intended for direct human robot interaction within a shared space, or where humans and robots are in close proximity),
  2. stationary professional services (such as those with medical and agricultural applications),
  3. mobile professional services (such as professional cleaning, construction, and underwater activities), and
  4. automated guided vehicles (AGVs) for transporting large and small loads in logistics or assembly lines.

Robotics in manufacturing

Robots are used in manufacturing to take on repetitive tasks, which streamlines the overall assembly workflow.

To bring in robots and cobots, we need to understand the repetitive tasks that exist in our manufacturing process.

Also, the product team should have a standard set of modules. This will ensure uniformity and reduce the need to reprogram the robots frequently.

So, the first step in bringing in robotics is

  1. Standardise our modules
  2. Standardise our manufacturing processes

This should be our motto for bringing in robotics. We should optimise intensely first and then automate the repititve tasks.

Because, the learning ability of robots and AI is still minimal. So, we can’t assume that robots will solve all our problems. We will have to solve our problems, and then when we can do our work in sleep, we get in robots.

Immediate action

Instead of robots, we can start off with SPM, Special Purpose Machines.

Robotics in onsite deployment

  1. Aim to reduce the manpower and time required to deploy a cabin.
  2. Provide user inputs to the R&D team to help reduce the manpower and time taken.
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